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本文核心词:美剧,夜行天使,Amy Acker,Joss Whedon,Winifred Burkle,Fresely

夜行天使(Angel)的导演是Joss Whedon。在谈这部剧之前有必要说一下这位导演。刚开始接触美剧的时候,接触到的途径有限,除了当时爆火的生活大爆炸等喜剧,能吸引我的是一些比较偏科幻的美剧,终结者外传和萤火虫是我启蒙的两部美剧,萤火虫的导演之一,正是Joss Whedon,相较于Amy Acker(后文用AA代替)是先认识到人慢慢认识到作品,当我第一次知道Joss Whedon导演的时候,我已经看完他几乎所有的作品。从最开始的萤火虫,到夜行天使,玩偶特工,以及冲出宁静号,林中小屋与无事生非。后来我发现其实是因为威登导演的作品演员十分“专一”。就像AA出演了以上所有作品,且每一个作品都非常有深度,自此我也对他肃然起敬。

Joss Whedon、Amy Acker、Alexis Denisof

回到这部剧本身,首先,非常感谢字幕组(Space Aming)的辛勤工作,标题后半部分Winifred Burkle是AA在这部剧中饰演的角色,以下简称Fred。

Fred给我的第一感觉是懵懂的少女,一个会对‘Right as rain’为什么是‘rain’都会产生疑问的女孩。这样一个天真的女孩,很难想象她一个人独自在异世界经历了各种苦难,也正是Angel一行人救下了她,在适应了新环境后也很快融入了大家。





Young and Beautiful







我只能说编剧你太狠,Fred的第二段恋情是和剧中的Wesley,虽然两人正式在一起是第五季后半部分,但我从最初看这部剧就站定了这对cp,Wesley受过的伤太多太多,明明深深爱着Fred却只能眼睁睁地看着她和Gunn恋爱,为了正确的道路不得已“背叛”Angel被割喉又被抛弃,后来就连Angel自己都对他说“你所面临的都是非常困难的选择,而且都只能独自面对”。关于Wes的剧情基本上都是在虐他。好,终于熬到和Fred在一起了,这下能Happy Ending了吧,剧情又迎来了新的转折,如果说周围的人离去与新的恋情的结束是痛苦的事情,那么当离去的人恰恰是自己的爱人的时候以及不是痛苦可以形容得了了,而这一切又要Wesley来承担,因为Fred永远离去了。。。Wesley在看到Fred最后痛苦不堪时的表情让我也心如刀割。爱人已经离去,还没来得及悲伤,占据Fred身体的Illryia出现了,有着和Fred完全一样的模样与声音,却是邪恶远古的存在,仿佛时时刻刻提醒着Wesley面对这残酷的现实。虽然到这里剧情已经接近尾声,但编剧还不忘把Wesley和Illryia再虐一次,Illryia虽然占据着Fred的身体,却没了远古强大的能力,如今再度寻求Wesley的帮助,我实在是不敢设身处地地揣摩Wes的心境,但是他同意了,当我接受了Illyria和Wesley的设定后,Wesley却在一次行动中牺牲了,先是Wesley告别了Fred,眼泪还没擦干,又看到占据着Fred身体的Illyria告别了Wesley。



Wes was screwed again

limetalhead 2 September 2008

Warning: Spoilers

This was by far and away the saddest episode in the series. Why did they have to

kill Fred? She was so cute. I waited for so long to see WesFred hook up and

they kill her right after it happens. Fred finally realized that Wesley was perfect

after wasting all that time with Gunn in Season 4. Seeing her slowly be eaten

away at and die in Wesleys arms actually made my eyes water. Whats bad

enough is that Wes again gets the shaft. Virginia breaks up with him while hes

recovering from getting shot in season 2. Justine cuts his throat and everyone

abandons him in season 3. He has to chop Lilahs head off after a possessed

Cordy kills her in season 4. However, Wes never had anywhere near the feelings

for Lilah that he did for Fred. The fact that there was nothing Angelthe gang

could do to save her was such a downer. As if klling off Cordy wasnt bad enough,

we are forced to lose yet another pretty face to a BS storyline. This episode

almost made me want to stop watching the show.

Because I look like her

limetalhead 7 October 2008

Warning: Spoilers

Im too sad to talk about the details. Ill just talk about my feelings on the

situations. Wes telling Gunn that he didnt feel her die almost made me cry. Knox

is a little piece of crap. While we knew that he was more or less responsible for

the sarcophagus arriving, the fact that he was, for more or less, Ilryias priest

and that he chose Fred made him even more of a schmuck. I was just waiting to

see what happened when Wes found out about Gunn being the one who signed

the customs release form. We all knew that Dr. Sparrow was involved but not the

knew such intimate details about Illryia. SHOW CROSSOVER: The guy that plays

Doc Sparrow also plays Ecklie on cSI and I have never liked him. Wes stabbing

Gunn was poetic justice in my mind. Wes was shot helping Gunns friends in

season 2 and Gunn was the main catalyst for everyone abandoning Wesley in

season 3. Finding out that Freds soul was destroyed resurrecting Illyria and that

she will never be at rest hurt me off more than it made me sad. Whats good is

that Gunn will now have to live with the pain that he was in someway involved

with Freds death. Knox getting shot and killed by Wes at Ilryias temple was very

predictable but still good to see.

Ilyrias emotional reaction to her army being destroyed showed that anyone and

anything has feelings about some thing. Her asking Wesley to help teach her to

live in this world because she cant go back was almost too much to bear. These

4 lines made me tear up more than anything else in the episode. Illyria: If I abide,

you will help me? Wesley: Yes. Ilyria: Because I look like her. Wesley: Yes.





感谢夜行天使给我带来的喜怒哀乐,把我虐得死去活来。谢谢Joss Whedon导演能让我看到如此多优秀的作品,以后一定要多带AA玩!顺带一提,Fred和Wesley的演员在无事生非中是Happy Ending。谢谢导演的良苦用心,这份糖对于Fresley党来说太重要了。


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